Archive for February, 2006

They’re Giving Out Swag, Too!

Tuesday, February 28th, 2006

Drink and network in the comfort of your own home!

This is interesting: eComXpo, a virtual trade show for search, affiliate and interactive marketers. Registration is free, and you don’t have to muscle your way through a crowd full of sweaty people on the exhibit floor just to score a foam stress ball you’ll throw out on the way home, anyway.

Of All Publications…

Monday, February 27th, 2006

Her name was Lola...

Sure, PC Magazine is about tech, not marketing. Even so, one would think they’d do better with their email communication.

I recently re-upped my subscription, which meant I was to receive a CD of assorted software applications. My CD arrived in several pieces, so I logged into my subscriber account and requested a new one.

Well, it’s nice that I’m getting a new one, but “Dear Subscriber”? That’s the email equivalent of “Occupant.” And nowhere in the body of the email is “PC Magazine” mentioned. That’s not just a lost branding opportunity, it’s basic customer service: Why make me work to figure out which customer service center is contacting me this time?

I know Lola is just a cog in the Ziff-Davis CRM machine, but this is a missed opportunity for relationship-building … not to mention upsell.

Takeaway for marketers: It’s all about the customer. Your administrative emails should be given as much thought as your Web site.

Outstanding Web Site Designs

Sunday, February 26th, 2006

designers choosing outstanding design

The April 2006 issue of How magazine, a publication for graphic design professionals, reports on winners in their annual competition in a variety of categories, including consumer Web sites, business-to-business Web sites, self-promotional Web sites, and banner advertising. Did these sites improve sales? Increase customer satisfaction? Maximize cuztomer service? Who knows — but they sure do look great!

Sell the Book

Saturday, February 25th, 2006

as if cell phones weren't horrifying enough

Stephen King’s new novel, Cell, has a supporting Web site that predictably offers ringtones and wallpapers. I haven’t read the novel yet, but I have explored the site, and I have to say: The “Send the pulse to a friend” function sucks. (Sorry, Stephen.)

Here’s what happens: You go to the appropriate page on the site and enter your name, your email address and your friend’s email address. (That the word “friend” is in quotes is about the only intriguing element here, implying that you’re virally spreading some sort of Kingsian horror.)

Here’s the result: The subject of the resulting email line says, “Experience The Pulse from Stephen King.” Bland and commercial, but at least King’s name is there to hook fans of his work. The body of the email says:

I want you to experience “The Pulse” from Stephen King’s new novel “Cell”

Go here:


That’s it. In its entirety. Every last word. Okay, it’s pithy, I’ll give them that. But could this be any more vanilla? Is it intriguing? Would people be entertained enough to want to go to the site and generate a similar email to their friends? Is there wit? To all those questions, I answer: I don’t think so. Hell, I’m not even sure this thing is CAN-SPAM compliant! (This is, after all, a commerical email, and for starters, there’s no valid physical postal address in the email.)

From the email side at least, does not sellthebook well at all.

Takeaway for marketers: Examine every step of the customer experience with your site and make sure you’re maximizing your messaging opportunities.

Quote o’ the Day

Friday, February 24th, 2006

Michael LeBoeuf

“Waste your money and you’re only out of money, but waste your time and you’ve lost part of your life.”
Michael LeBoeuf