Will No More TWiTs Go In the Can?!

October 24th, 2006

We need TWiTcasts! Stat!

“I’ll decide what happens to TWiT, the show, when I come back, but at this point it looks like it’s on life support and the heart monitor is flatlining.”

This is not good. Read more over at Leo Laporte’s blog. and especially in the comments to Leo’s October 22 post.

I don’t know specifically what’s going on over in TWiTville, but I can’t imagine Leo pulling the plug entirely. It’s the lead netcast in a network of more than a dozen shows, and arguably the only one worth listening to regularly. TWiT just picked up major advertising (Dell and VISA) because it pulls in some pretty decent numbers.

Take a rest, Leo. Recharge. But please don’t pull the plug.

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